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Top 25 most useful verbs you should know

Here are 25 common Japanese verbs that you should know.

1. to do - するsuru

2. to go - 行くiku

3. to see - 見るmiru

4. to buy - 買うkau

5. to write - 書くkaku

6. to speak - 話すhanasu

7. to be (the copula) - ですdesu

8. to have/to exist - ありますarimasu

9. to like (adjective) - 好きな sukina *

10. to hate (adjective) - 嫌いなkiraina *

11. to live - 住むsumu

12. to die - しぬshinu

13. to return - 帰るkaeru

14. to eat - 食べるtaberu

15. to drink - 飲むnomu

16. to hold - 持つmotsu

17. to give - 上げるageru

18. to receive - もらうmorau

19. to learn - 習うnarau

20. to play - 遊ぶasobu

21. to listen - 聞くkiku

22. to walk - 歩くaruku

23. to ride - 乗るnoru

24. to wear/put on - 着るkiru

25. to travel -旅行するryokousuru

*For the one that are adjectives, you can conjugate them by taking away the な(na) and adding です ex. 好きですsukidesu I like


If you want to practice these verbs, here is a Quizlet set you can practice with:

The set is in romanization, so you might want to study without it if you want to learn how to write the verbs. You also might need to log in first before you can do the Quizlet.


I hope that this post was helpful for helping you learn useful verbs. If you have any questions or other verbs you'd like to know, feel free to ask in the comment section below.


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